Installation via Docker


  • any x86_64 Linux OS with Podman or Docker installed


Run in your host console on behalf of user the following command:

curl -s | bash -s

Device registration

In case you are running first time, before running main dquantra console application, it is required to register you device. Run dquantra-registration script to do that, for example: dquantra-registration -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -s <URL>


  • -d - path to USB device in Linux host with Docker (usb-inserted)

  • -s- url of registration server

After registering the device, register the new generator in the network.

Random generation

To start generating randoms, run dquantra application in your console, for example:

dquantra -r qcicada

If you have not configured the application before or do not have configuration file in quantra configuration directory ( ~/.quantra/) yet, dquantra will ask you to input configurations on startup. Further quantra runs will use this saved configuration from ~/.quantra/quantra.yaml

See help and descriptions for additional options of dquantra: dquantra --help


  • If you have error during installation of quantra via docker (dquantra) like the following one

permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

do not forget to add user to docker group and re-login with that user:

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

Last updated