Types of resources сonsumed by accounts

Accounts utilize three primary types of resources:

State Storage (RAM): This resource pertains to blockchain state storage, which includes information accessible by application logic, like order books and account balances.

Bandwidth and Log Storage (Network): Network Bandwidth refers to the consumption of data in bytes, averaged over the last three days. It is temporarily utilized whenever an action or transaction is sent.

Computation and Computational Backlog (CPU): CPU Bandwidth, measured in microseconds, also reflects an average consumption over the past three days. Like Network Bandwidth, it is temporarily consumed during the sending of actions or transactions. 2. Resource Usage:

RAM Usage: It stores blockchain state information that's critical for application logic operations, such as maintaining order books and tracking account balances.

Network Bandwidth Usage: This is gauged based on the average data consumed over a three-day period. Every action or transaction sent temporarily consumes Net bandwidth.

CPU Bandwidth Usage: Similar to Network Bandwidth, CPU Bandwidth usage is based on the average consumption in microseconds over the last three days. It's temporarily consumed when actions or transactions are initiated. 3. Resource Allocation:

Network and CPU (through staking): The allocation of Bandwidth and CPU resources is proportional to the number of tokens held in a three-day staking contract. As consumed Network and CPU resources are freed over time, the same staked tokens can be repeatedly used.

RAM (via market purchase): RAM needs to be acquired at the Market Price, following the Bancor Algorithm. Unlike CPU and bandwidth, RAM doesn’t automatically free up. It can only be released by deleting data from the account state, and once freed, it can be sold at the market price.

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