RNG Use in Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Random Number Generation (RNG) within the context of the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts presents unique challenges and opportunities. Here’s an analysis of how RNG is utilized and the considerations involved:

Challenges of RNG in Blockchain

  1. Predictability: In traditional environments, RNG is relatively straightforward. However, in a transparent and deterministic environment like Ethereum, generating true randomness is complex. All transactions and computations are publicly visible, making it difficult to keep random values secret.

Common RNG Methods on Ethereum

  1. Blockhash Method:

    • Description: A common technique involves using the blockhash of a recent block (e.g., blockhash(block.number - 1)) as a source of randomness.

    • Pros: Simple to implement and access.

    • Cons: Vulnerable to manipulation if miners are incentivized to influence the outcome.

  2. Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function):

    • Description: An off-chain service provided by Chainlink that supplies random numbers that are verifiable on-chain.

    • Pros: Provides a high level of security and verifiability.

    • Cons: Not True randomness. Dependency on an external service and associated costs.

Implementing RNG in the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts requires careful consideration to avoid predictability and manipulation. While on-chain methods offer simplicity, they often lack security same as Chainlink's VRF .


If API3 primarily sources its quantum random number data from a single entity, like the University of Australia, this setup can indeed present specific challenges and limitations, contrasting sharply with the peer-to-peer (P2P) model that decentralization aims to promote. Here are some insights into the potential problems:

Challenges with a Single Data Source

  1. Centralization Risks: The core value proposition of blockchain and decentralized technologies is to eliminate single points of failure and distribute trust among multiple parties. Relying on a single source, even if it's a reputable institution like the University of Australia, reintroduces centralization risks, including data manipulation, data availability issues, and potential downtime.

  2. Scalability Concerns: A single data source may become a bottleneck as the demand for QRNG data increases. This could limit the scalability of the system, affecting performance and response times across the network.

  3. Resilience and Redundancy: In decentralized systems, redundancy is key to resilience. A single-source model lacks redundancy, making the system more vulnerable to attacks or failures at the source level. If the University of Australia’s QRNG data feed were compromised or interrupted, the entire system relying on this data could be jeopardized.

  4. Trust and Verification: While a university might be considered a trustworthy entity, the blockchain ethos generally prefers trust minimization. Relying on data from one source requires users to trust that source implicitly, which may not align with the trustless nature sought by blockchain advocates.

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